Friday 5 October 2018

Document Attachment Modules In Tally ERP.9

Dear Friends, Today we are discussing about how to manage document through tally add-on, Its very useful for Managing your documents in a proper digital way.

Watch Videos:



Dear Friends,

Through this customization user can add item images in tally, Its very useful for large types of retails and whole sales customers.

Watch Videos:

Thursday 4 October 2018

How to Enable Tally ERP.9 Auto Data Backup to Dropbox

     Tally Data Back is very import for every tally users, In normal Tally there is no provision for enable auto backup , so this tdl is very useful for normal tally user to take auto tally back to Dropbox or specific location.

Watch Videos:

Download Link : Click Here

Monday 3 September 2018

How to Enter Salary Details in Double Entry System

What is Payroll ? 

A payroll is a company's list of its employees, but the term is commonly used to refer to:

  • the total amount of money that a company pays to its employees
  • a company's records of its employees' salaries and wages, bonuses, and withheld taxes
  • the company's department that calculates funds and pays these.

Payroll in the sense of  "money paid to employees" plays a major role in a company for several reasons.

What is Salary ?

Salary is a fixed amount of money or remuneration paid to an employee by an employer in return for work performed. Salary is commonly paid in fixed intervals, for example, monthly payments of one-twelfth of the annual salary.

How to Enter Salary Entries in Accounts ?

Example: Arun is an Employee of VIDYA TV, His Monthly Salary is $3500/- He took some advance salary from Company of $1000/- on 15/09/2018. Here will see how to adjust salary advance against his September -2018 Salary.

In this scenario.
Step-1 : Enter his salary advance Entry (Dated 15/09/2018)

            Dr.    Arun Salary Advance A/c            $1000          
                                 To. Cash                                                $1000
Step-2:Book Month End Salary (Dated 30/09/2018)

             Dr.    Arun Salary A/c                             $3500

                             To. Arun Salary Advance A/c                   $1000
                                   Arun Salary Payable A/c                     $2500
Step-03:Salary Payment Entry (Dated 02/10/2018)

            Dr.   Arun Salary Payable A/c                 $2500

                 To. Cash                                                                 $2500

How to Pass this Entries in Tally ERP.9 ?  

       * Watch Videos

Friday 31 August 2018

Free TDL | Sales Invoice Format In Letterhead - Tally ERP.9

    Today we are discussing about how to take normal default invoice print in company letterhead. In this customization help to take default tally invoice print out in your company letterhead,You can adjust invoice top part through F12 configuration.


For more details watch my videos

Procedure to attach TCP file to Tally ERP.9

Note: Before loading this tcp file ensure you tally backup

·         Copy the .TCP file to Tally folder or any common folder which is access able from Tally.
·         Start Tally.ERP 9.
·         At GATEWAY OF TALLY, press F12.
·         Select Products and Features (or T).
·         You will find a button Local TDLs at Right Side Button Bar. Press that Button (or F4).
·         In the first option Allow Local TDLs = set to yes.
·         Then in the below space, just specify location and file name where your tcp/addon file is located. If the addon file is placed in the Tally folder where Tally.exe is located then specify only addon file name.
·         Accept the screen.

·         Now if file name you typed is correct/file exist, it will show a message of active against the file path otherwise it will show an error message. If no error is displayed then you can work with your tdl

Download Link : Click

Thursday 30 August 2018

Detailed Bank Details & Extra Notes In Default Invoice Format in Tally ERP.9

Today we are discussing about how to enable Bank details & Extra notes In default Invoice format in Tally ERP.9 through Customization. Its Very Use full for all Tally Users.

For More Details Please watch Videos.

Download Link : Click

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Invoice Customization With Header and Footer in Tally ERP.9

Dear Friends,

Today we are going to discuss with how to customize Tally Sales Invoice with header and footer


Save Header and Footer Images in Your computer C drive (header.jpg and footer.jpg) then Load tcp file.

Download TDL : Click

Document Attachment Modules In Tally ERP.9

Dear Friends, Today we are discussing about how to manage document through tally add-on, Its very useful for Managing your documents in a ...